Feingold08 > RussForge

Current Projects: The 50 Blogs Widget


50 Blogs Widget

Based on this thread started by gdennis at the Russ Cafe, I wrote the widget pictured to the right.

The purpose is threefold:

  • Get out the word on the state blogs,
  • Get out the word on the mailing lists, and
  • Facilitate identifying and starting new state blogs

The widget is easy to install, simply put the following code on your page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://feingold08.sourceforge.net/apps/50blogs-form.js">

Then somewhere after that, put in the following lines:

var selectBox = document.forms["50blogs"].elements["state"];//state;

You can change the state you want displayed first by changing the selectedIndex. Also, you have full control over how the widget looks by use of CSS. An example is posted at RussForge.

Surf the repository for more goodies.

Your Feedback

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