Feingold08 > RussForge

Current Projects: News/Blog Aggregator


It's never too early for name- and face-recognition, right?

I wrote a Web-sticker/News Aggregator for use on sites that support Senator Feingold as a presidential candidate in 2008. It's that thingie on the left wih his picture on it. It's free, no ads (except a "get this for your site" link) and no cookies. You can add it to your site with one line of JavaScript:

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" src="http://headstrong-america.org/mag/russ.php?nitems=10&bitems=10" type="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

You can change the number of news items and blog items with the nitems and bitems values. Also, you can change the colors, borders, fonts, and so forth by defining CSS attributes for .russ_box, .russ_header, and .russ_item. See this example for more information on customizing the widget.

News/Blog Aggregator

Surf the repository for more goodies.

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