Welcome to RussForge
What is RussForge?
Put simply, it's a place to build and make available resources promoting a presidential run by Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin.
A strength of this site is the ability to share works-in-progress, and work collaboratively with other members of a like-minded community. Have an idea? Make it a reality here, and make it available to all Feingold supporters.
The initial goals of the project are as follows:
- Make resources (programs, images, scripts, templates, animations, knowledge-bases, etc.) freely available to support the "50 Blogs For Feingold" project.
- Make the same resources available to all Web users who support Feingold.
- Pursue the cross-use of these resources beyond the web: presentations, fliers, advertisments, signage, etc.
- Engage the creativity and energy of the Feingold movement to push the use of the Internet as a tool for political action.
Some Current Projects
The above image represents some of the resources available here at Week #3, including:
- The Image Repository
- The Russ '08 Powerpoint Presentation
- The 50 Blogs Project Blog-Plugin
- The Feingold '08 Menu-Plugin
- Blog Templates
- Feingold '08 News/Blog Post Aggregator
- Feingold '08 E-mail List Aggregator
Have an idea? Join up. Here's how.
How does it work?
RussForge uses the SourceForge model for collaboration and publishing. SourceForge is a site with more than a million registered users and hundreds of thousands of projects. RussForge may be the first SourceForge project working to support a a political candidate.
The SourceForge model is based on a piece of software called CVS (Concurrent Versioning System) that allows many users to have a copy of the same materials on their own hard disk. By use of a "CVS Client" software, you can:
- check out a copy of the "repository"
- add files to the repository
- make changes to files in the repository
- check your changes into the repository so others can share them
We've written a getting started guide that walks you through the process of working with the repository, available in the "Getting Started" tab.
SourceForge also provides a wide variety of tracking and project management tools. You can explore some of these tools in the "Project Tools" menu to the left.